We are excited to announce the launch of our firm Ritchie Smyth Lawyers! After working at a downtown firm for a number of years, it was time to return home to our community. Our new office space at Bloor Islington Place will be opening soon, so stay tuned for that launch!

A little bit about us, just in case you didn't already know how awesome we are.
Amanda is an experienced real estate and wills & estates lawyer who will continue to serve her many established clients, while also welcoming new ones.
Carrie serves business clients in all of their corporate, real estate, and estate planning needs, her breadth of practice and connections within the legal community makes her the ideal first stop for businesses of all sizes.
Together, Amanda and Carrie are a friendly, client focused team who use a pragmatic approach to address legal issues for all clients.
We are so excited to be back in the community in which we both live to assist our existing clients and to welcome new ones.
You can contact Amanda at amanda@ritchiesmyth.com and Carrie at carrie@ritchiesmyth.com.